Tarka Ji

Tarka Ji

The Loyal Drunk

Tarka Ji is one of the six original characters released on the first beta.


Live fast, drink well, and be merry. Behind the name of the Drunken Brave, there stands a man with a love for freedom as strong as his passion for drinking. His indomitable spirit lends him strength in the face of adversity. The road ahead is fraught with hardship. But no matter how challenging, he'll face it gladly, sword in hand.

Related CharactersValda Cui, Takeda


Inner Fire

CD: 22s

Tarka Ji enter a defensive state for 3 seconds in which he can block any physical attack.

After blocking an attack: press LMB to initiate a counter-attack, staggering the enemy and inflicting Burn.

The defensive state can be exited by jumping, dodging or crouching.

Inner Fire: Bide

CD: 25s

Tarka Ji enter a defensive state for 5 seconds in which he can block any melee attack.

After blocking an attack: press LMB to initiate a counter-attack, knocking the enemy back and inflicting Burn, the counter-attack becomes more powerful the more attacks you block.

The defensive state can be exited by jumping, dodging or crouching.

Inner Fire: Gigaflame

CD: 20s

Tarka Ji molds his internal energy into a huge fireball that knocks enemies away, deals damage and inflicts Vulnerable and Burn.




Tarka Ji envelops himself in flame, repelling nearby enemies and significantly improving his agility.

Some moves will be attached with Burn effect in [Blackout] status, consuming Rage constantly.

Energy recovery of Tarka Ji and teammates will be increased for 30 sec.

The status ends when Rage runs out or hold V to end it manually.

The buff effects on teammates will not be influenced if [Blackout] is ended manually.

Ranged attack can be resisted when running.

Can be used while under attack.

Blackout: Vulcan


Tarka Ji envelops himself in flame, repelling nearby enemies and significantly improving his agility.

Some moves will be attached with Burn effect in [Blackout] status, consuming Rage constantly.

Vulcan: While in Blackout state, skills will not go on cooldown, but consume Rage instead.

The status ends when Rage runs out or hold V to end it manually.

Ranged attack can be resisted when running.

Can be used while under attack.

Blackout: Frenzy


Tarka Ji envelops himself in flame, repelling nearby enemies and significantly improving his agility.

Some moves will be attached with Burn effect in [Blackout] status, consuming Rage constantly.

Attack Damage of Tarka Ji and teammates will be increased by 10% for 30 seconds.

Frenzy: Rage depletes faster, but dealing damage to enemies replenishes some Rage.

The status ends when Rage runs out or hold V to end it manually.

The buff effects on teammates will not be influenced if [Blackout] is ended manually.

Ranged attack can be resisted when running.

Can be used while under attack.


The Loyal Drunk

Tarka had always been a man of morals. In addition, he hailed from one of the five noble families known throughout the lands, the Ji - He could dress in finery and enjoy plentiful grain, living in glory.

Yet for some reason he would always while away the day fooling around with ruffians in the town and markets instead.

It seemed like the esteemed Ji family had nothing to do with him at all.

"The Ji? Pah! I'll bring 'em crashing down eventually, you mark my words!!"
