Yoto Hime
The Demon Sword
Spirit Slash
Yoto Hime flings out her blade at enemies and causes damage. The blade hangs in the air for 3.5 seconds at its further point.
Tapping [F] again lets her teleport over to it and slash into the air once.
If Yoto Hime lands a killing blow onto an enemy during Spirit Slash's cooldown, the cooldown will be reset.
Yoto Hime's blade blocks ranged attacks.
Spirit Blade: Crush
Yoto Hime flings out her blade at enemies and causes damage. The blade hangs in the air for 5 seconds at its further point.
Tapping [F] calls it back to her and she slashs once.
[Spirit Slash] no longer has its cooldown reset upon defeating an enemy.
Yoto Hime's blade blocks ranged attacks, and its slash can be used while under attack.
Spirit Slash: Vortex
Yoto Hime flings out her blade at enemies, which moves at a slow speed and upon reaching its furthers point spins for 5 seconds.
Aside from blocking ranged projectiles, it also blocks melee attacks.
She can use it while being under attack.
Omnious Blade
Yoto Hime summons a gigantic blade and enters the [Demon Incarnate] status (3 stacks).
[Demonic Incarnate]: During the first second, you can tap [LMB] to throw your blade and teleport to it. At any time during the next 2 seconds you can tap [RMB] to slash in the aimed direction or wait for Yoto Hime to automatically slash at the end. Slashes deal damages to enemies hit, recovering health and armor for Yoto Hime, and applies [Piercing Vision] to the enemy.
Yoto Hime's blade absorbs nearby Cairns, increasing its damage for each one absorbed (max 6).
Yoto Hime is immune to control effects before her first slash when using [Omnious Blade].
[Piercing Vision]: Show all nearby enemies's health bars and remove stealth status.
Omnious Blade: Restore
Yoto Hime summons a gigantic blade and enters the [Demon Incarnate] status (3 stacks).
[Demonic Incarnate]: During the first second, you can tap [LMB] to throw your blade and teleport to it. At any time during the next 2 seconds you can tap [RMB] to slash in the aimed direction or wait for Yoto Hime to automatically slash at the end. Slashes deal damages to enemies hit, greatly recovers health and armor for Yoto Hime, and applies [Piercing Vision] to the enemy.
Yoto Hime's blade no longer absorbs Cairns.
Yoto Hime is immune to control effects before her first slash when using [Omnious Blade].
[Piercing Vision]: Show all nearby enemies's health bars and remove stealth status.
Omnious Blade: Combo
Yoto Hime summons a gigantic blade and enters the [Demon Incarnate] status (3 stacks).
[Demonic Incarnate]: During the first second, you can tap [LMB] to throw your blade and teleport to it. At any time during the next 2 seconds you can tap [RMB] to slash in the aimed direction or wait for Yoto Hime to automatically slash at the end. Slashes deal damages to enemies hit, recovering health and armor for Yoto Hime, and applies [Piercing Vision] to the enemy.
You can launch 3 additional smaller slashes at the end of [Omnious Blade]
Yoto Hime's blade no longer absorbs Cairns.
Yoto Hime is immune to control effects before her first slash when using [Omnious Blade].
[Piercing Vision]: Show all nearby enemies's health bars and remove stealth status.
Yoto Hime
A young maiden, armed with a demonic blade of huge proportions
She was once human, yet for reasons unknown forged an interdependent bond with the blade: a gloomy character who very rarely converses with others.
Yet in battle she is known to become a different person altogether, a ruthless and bloodthirsty existance.
None can evade the blows from her demonic blade, and she leaves a trail of corpses in her wake. When the dust settles, she once more becomes weighed down with guilt and all the blood upon her hands.
Sometimes strength is far from a positive thing. It must be borne like a burden, a power that must be controlled.