Spear Combos
Uppercut Combo
RMB -> Uppercut -> Aerial LMB -> Shorthop -> Aerial LMB
Highest damage standard combo you can do.
Chinese Combo
LMB -> LMB -> Shorthop -> Aerial LMB
Popular combo in the Chinese server - the last Aerial LMB is not true combo, but it makes you stick to the enemy like a magnet and most of the times it hits and puts you in a good position to continue with another combo after.
LMB -> Shorthop -> Aerial LMB
Highest damage combo without uppercutting.
Standard Dragonslayer - Nezha / Parry
Hold LMB/RMB until 2nd ding or parry -> keep pressing LMB/RMB to continue Nezha -> RMB
Nothing much to say here, i like finishing with RMB because most people will parry the focus attack if you do LMB
Dragonslayer - Nezha into uppercut
Hold LMB/RMB until 2nd ding or parry -> press LMB/RMB only once -> Uppercut -> Aerial LMB -> Shorthop -> Aerial LMB
Extended Nezha combo, more damage but harder to pull off.