
Souljade List

Health Souljade IHealth Souljade IStat
Health +8%
Health Souljade IIHealth Souljade IIStat
Health +12%
Health Souljade IIIHealth Souljade IIIStat
Health +18%
Health Souljade IVHealth Souljade IVStat
Health +25%
Attack Souljade IAttack Souljade IStat
Attack +3%
Attack Souljade IIAttack Souljade IIStat
Attack +4%
Attack Souljade IIIAttack Souljade IIIStat
Attack +6%
Attack Souljade IVAttack Souljade IVStat
Attack +8%
Melee Resist Souljade IMelee Resist Souljade IStat
Melee Defense +4%
Melee Resist Souljade IIMelee Resist Souljade IIStat
Melee Defense +6%
Melee Resist Souljade IIIMelee Resist Souljade IIIStat
Melee Defense +9%
Melee Resist Souljade IVMelee Resist Souljade IVStat
Melee Defense +12.5%
Range Resist Souljade IRange Resist Souljade IStat
Ranged Defense +7%
Head Defense +5%
Range Resist Souljade IIRange Resist Souljade IIStat
Ranged Defense +7%
Head Defense +5%
Range Resist Souljade IIIRange Resist Souljade IIIStat
Ranged Defense +7%
Head Defense +5%
Range Resist Souljade IVRange Resist Souljade IVStat
Ranged Defense +7%
Head Defense +5%
Repair RollRepair RollSpecial
Health +18%
When Repairing Weapons you perform a roll, becoming Immune to Attacks in the process.
Health +18%
Gain an Attack buff when below 50% Health.
Health +18%
Fully restores your armor when killing an Enemy.
Soul ReleaseSoul ReleaseSpecial
Health +18%
Resets Skill Cooldown when killing an Enemy.
Mortal DefianceMortal DefianceSpecial
Health +18%
When taking Lethal Damage the Attack is Evaded and the Souljade breaks. Upon breaking it recovers 500 Health and a 40% Damage Reduction buff for 5 seconds.
Tu NaTu NaSpecial
Health +12%
Using the [Rest] Emote recovers health, if you finish the emote, you gain a buff that continually recovers a small amount of Armor for 120 seconds.
Soothing BoonSoothing BoonSpecial
Health +12%
There's a 30% chance that Vitalia, Armor Powders, Weaponry Chests or Grappling Hooks won't be consumed after use.
Attack +4%
Juggernaut Attack +1%
Defeating Enemies increases your Juggernaut Attack by 3% (max 5 stacks, 15%)
Notes: Juggernaut Attack works the same as Attack, but it has a seperate cap of 15%
Melee Defense +6%
Consuming Fruits increases your Melee Defense by 0.3% (max 60 stacks, 18%)
Siphon TechniqueSiphon TechniqueSpecial
Health +12%
You recover 65% of damage dealt as health or armor after using Vitalia or Armor Powder.
Group HealGroup HealSpecial
Health +12%
When using Vitalia or Armor Powder you share it with your teammates - but the Health or Armor restored will be less.
Advanced HealAdvanced HealSpecial
Health +12%
Vitalia and Armor Powder heals you for a duration of 5 seconds instead of instantaneous, but provides more Health or Armor than normal
Health +18%
Calls down a Lightning Strike at your previous location 0.5 seconds after Dodging.
Phantom StepPhantom StepSpecial
Health +12%
(Tap) Dodging or Sprint Dodging provide a brief Stealth effect.
Soft StepSoft StepSpecial
Health +12%
Silences the sound of your footsteps.
Gecko FootGecko FootSpecial
Health +12%
Increase the speed and distance covered when climbing walls.
Increase Scale Rush Damage
Stay still for 5 seconds when climbing to gain Stealth for 15 seconds or until you move.
Focus SlideFocus SlideSpecial
Health +12%
Sliding gives you Focus Armor that also knocks enemies away.
Wave RollWave RollSpecial
Health +12%
Increases the distance of Secondary Dodges, and makes them cost no Energy.
Soul SlashSoul SlashKatana
Attack +6%
Alters Focus attacks that have been charged to the 2nd stage.
Stamina StrikeStamina StrikeKatana
Attack +4%
Alters the 3rd strike in a combo and recovers 65% of the Damage dealt as Health or Armor.
Melee Defense +9%
Alters the vertical followup strike after doing a Focus attack and recovers 65% of the Damage dealt as Health or Armor.
Katana SapKatana SapKatana
Melee Defense +6%
Alters Counterstrikes and recovers 75% of the Damage dealt as Health or Armor.
Attack +6%
Alters the 3rd stage of Horizontal Focus Attacks. Keep tapping to attack for longer.
Warrior PaceWarrior PaceGreatsword
Attack +4%
Increases Movement Speed while charging Horizontal Focus with Greatsword.
Infernal StrikeInfernal StrikeGreatsword
Attack +4%
Alters the 1st and 2nd stage of Horizontal Focus Attacks.
Melee Defense +6%
Stone Form directly reaches the 3rd stage.
Greatsword SapGreatsword SapGreatsword
Melee Defense +6%
Alters Counterstrikes and recovers 75% of the Damage dealt as Health or Armor.
Aerial RendAerial RendGreatsword
Melee Defense +6%
Alters Vertical Focus Attacks to unleash Shockwaves.
Phoenix BlastPhoenix BlastLongsword
Attack +6%
Alters Focus Attacks to unleash 2 waves of energy.
Attack +4%
Alters Uppercuts to hit a larger area.
Assault - LongswordAssault - LongswordLongsword
Attack +4%
Alters Grappling Attacks to inflict Burn on hit Enemies.
Blue MoonBlue MoonLongsword
Melee Defense +6%
The 3rd attack in a Basic Combo unleashes energy waves and can be used repeatedly.
Longsword SapLongsword SapLongsword
Melee Defense +6%
Alters Counterstrikes and recovers 75% of the Damage dealt as Health or Armor.
Heartstopper KickHeartstopper KickSpear
Attack +6%
Allows for a followup attack if Dragonslayer misses, and Silences enemies hit by it.
Spear StormSpear StormSpear
Attack +4%
Alters the third Vertical strike in a Spear Combo.
Dual RingDual RingSpear
Attack +4%
Alters the third Horizontal strike in a Spear Combo.
Razor SwiftRazor SwiftSpear
Melee Defense +9%
Alters Nezha's Might to cover a larger area.
Spear SapSpear SapSpear
Melee Defense +6%
Alters Counterstrikes and recovers 75% of the Damage dealt as Health or Armor.
Melee Defense +6%
Alters Spear Vertical Focus Attack.
Dreadful WailDreadful WailDagger
Attack +6%
Alters Dagger Dash follow-up Vertical Focus Attack (press Right Mouse Button twice after Dagger Dashing).
Abyssal AuraAbyssal AuraDagger
Attack +4%
Alters Dagger Vertical Focus Attack.
Assassin's LungeAssassin's LungeDagger
Attack +4%
Alters Dagger Horizontal Focus Attack.
Melee Defense +6%
Dagger Dashes can be performed repeatedly, with less Energy cost
Dagger SapDagger SapDagger
Melee Defense +6%
Alters Counterstrikes and recovers 75% of the Damage dealt as Health or Armor.
Dragon RoarDragon RoarNunchucks
Attack +6%
Alters Nunchucks' Dragon Flurry attack, and builds Biding Fury.
Flying KickFlying KickNunchucks
Attack +4%
Alters Nunchucks Third Horizontal Strike, restores Biding Fury upon hitting an Enemy.
Velocity UntoldVelocity UntoldNunchucks
Attack +4%
Alters Nunchucks Horizontal Focus Attack, restores Biding Fury upon hitting an Enemy.
Melee Defense +6%
Using Horizontal Block no longer consumes Biding Fury and also triggers when hit by Ranged Attacks.
Nunchucks SapNunchucks SapNunchucks
Melee Defense +6%
Alters Counterstrikes and recovers 75% of the Damage dealt as Health or Armor.
Burst ArrowBurst ArrowBow
Attack +6%
Bow shots charged to the second stage deals less damage, but explode on impact.
Target LockTarget LockBow
Attack +4%
Landing a shot on an enemy leaves them unable to sprint or dodge for 6 seconds. Can only trigger once every 30 seconds on the same enemy.
Ranged Defense +10%
Head Defense +8%
Bows deal less damage, but fire 3 arrows with a horizontal spread. Spread decreases with bow charge.
Fire ArrowsFire ArrowsBow
Ranged Defense +10%
Head Defense +8%
Bow shots charged to the second stage deals less damage, but sets the area around it on fire on impact.
Curative BoltsCurative BoltsRepeating Crossbow
Attack +6%
30% of Damage dealt with Repeating Crossbows is recovered as Health or Armor (lifesteal).
Venom TipVenom TipRepeating Crossbow
Attack +4%
Repeating Crossbows deal less damage, but Poisons the enemy (max 15 stacks of Poison)
Healing BoltsHealing BoltsRepeating Crossbow
Ranged Defense +10%
Head Defense +8%
Allows you to heal teammates by shooting them.
Barbed BoltsBarbed BoltsRepeating Crossbow
Ranged Defense +10%
Head Defense +8%
Landing a shot on an Enemy with your Repeating Crossbow leaves them unable to sprint or dodge for 1 second.
Attack +6%
Cannons fires straight and faster with increased explosion damage.
Attack +4%
Enemies hit by your Cannon receives Burn.
Ranged Defense +10%
Head Defense +8%
Cannons deal less damage, but fires 2 shots.
Bounce ShellBounce ShellCannon
Ranged Defense +10%
Head Defense +8%
Cannon shots can bounce up to 2 times, and explodes with increased Damage in the vicinity of Enemies.
Rupture Gale OrbRupture Gale OrbCannon
Ranged Defense +10%
Head Defense +8%
Increases the radius of Cannon shots' explosions.
Detonating RoundsDetonating RoundsPistol
Attack +6%
Reduces Pistol Charged Damage, but makes the bullets lodge inside the enemies flesh, exploding after 2 seconds (dealing Damage and staggering the Enemy)